1. Write everyday, specifically on your work in progress.
(.5-1 hour 7x a week)

3. Build your platform through Facebook, Twiiter, Pintrest, and other forms of social media. Start a blog and post a minimum of twice a week. (.5-1 hour 7x a week, 1-2 hours 2x a week)
4. Study your craft. Take a writing course. Make sure to do your homework. (4-6 hours a week)
That doesn't sound too bad, right? I mean if you're dedicated you should have no problem. Well, I'm dedicated, but I also need to:
1. Work 40-50+ hours a week (I have two jobs barely paying the bills.)
3. Get eight hours of sleep each night (56 hours a week)
4. Get in 30 minutes of cardio everyday (says my doctor.)
5. Drive to commute (1 hour a day minimum, public transportation is not an option)
6. Spend enough time with my family that they know I exist. (about two hours a day.)
If I commit to all my writer's duties and my personal duties (notice I did not include entertainment or time with friends) that is 78% of my short work weeks. (So I might be able to make it work.) But when it comes to my long work weeks, I would need at least an extra fifteen minutes to my 24 hour day.
So what is an insecure writer to do?
1. Prioritize (and writing should not be at the top of the list unless you are single, unemployed, and have no friends. Would you rather be a great writer or a great loved one?)
2. Manage what time you have. Carve out a chunk of time for writing related things, but don't expect to do it all. Do a little of each.
3. Enjoy writing and "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and take what comes with a smile."
I added this youtube video I found through Writer's Digest. In some ways I feel like the little pink guy, but I at least know and understand what the other character is saying. I may never be a great writer because of some of my flaws and time restraints, but I should at least be better than this over-confident guy.